Setting up bundle automation for Shopify Flow

Cleverific + Shopify Flow supports bundle fulfillment automation, which automates the manual work of finding the SKUs needed for each bundle you've sold. You can set this workflow once to automatically expand bundles into their individual SKUs

Shopify Flow integration is now available to all Cleverific's plans. See details and pricing here.

Set up a bundle in Cleverific

  1. In your Shopify Admin, go to Apps > Cleverific Order Editor.

  1. Click the Automation link > Bundles on your Order Editor landing page.

  1. Select New Bundle.

  1. Click Select Bundle, then search for your bundle product to add. Make sure the item that you choose for the Bundle section is the SKU for the entire bundle.

  1. Name the bundle automation and add the individual products that make up this bundle. Order Editor will discount items to $0 and add them to the cart.
  2. Turn on the toggle on the upper right to Active.

  1. Save your bundle in the Cleverific. You can add as many bundle configurations as you like.

Now that you've created a Bundle, you can assign it to a Shopify Flow workflow.

See our guide on how to set up a workflow next to learn how to add your bundle to your Shopify Flow workflow.

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